
We are currently seeking applicants for the following positions.
We look forward to your application.
(Recruitment would be closed once the positions are filled.)

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Cell Control, Experintal Omics Drug Discovery Research

Please see application and interview procedures here.

Recruitment process

Application Please click the "Apply" button on each of the above position pages and fill out the required information to apply.
Document screening We will review the submitted application documents.
We will notify you of the results by email within a week or so, regardless of whether you pass or fail.
Applicants who pass the screening will be notified of the schedule for the first interview.
interview We will conduct an individual interview about the job you will be in charge of, your skills and specialty.
You will be asked to introduce yourself, why you want to apply, and give a brief presentation about your experience so far, followed by a question-and-answer session.
It is also an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the company and duties, so if you have any questions, please ask.
We will notify you of the results by email or phone.

* Multiple interviews will be conducted.
* Interviews can be conducted online or at the office.
* In addition to the above selection process, we may ask for additional interviews and document submissions.
Unofficial offer We will send a job offer notification to those who pass the final interview.

* Personal information acquired from application documents will be used for the purpose of complying with the Personal Information Protection Act and for the purpose of conducting necessary procedures for personnel, salary, and welfare relations after hiring, and for purposes other than this purpose. not used or provided. The application documents will be destroyed in an appropriate manner after the selection process is completed.